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Organizational Transformation

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The Breckenridge Institute® offers clients two ways to establish a consulting relationship with us – both of which are predicated on identifying the degree to which the client understands: a) the root causes of the problem, b) actionable solutions, and c) the results they want to get. Since consulting services are intangible, it is important to clearly define the explicit and implicit expectations between the Institute and our clients - especially what the deliverables will be. The Breckenridge Institute® will assume one or the other role described below, and then move between them over the course of a project or intervention depending on a client’s requirements, needs, and desired results.

Diagnostic Role

Clients who chose the Diagnostic Role want an objective third-party perspective on the performance of departments, functional units, or an entire organization. The symptoms of the problem may include: a) an inability to achieve goals and objectives, or b) an increase in rework, down-time, poor or inconsistent quality, safety and environmental issues, high turnover, and customer complaints; but it may not be clear to the client what the underlying root causes are in the structures, systems, and culture. In other words, the Diagnostic Role works best when the symptoms of the problem and the desired results are clear to the client, but the underlying causes and actionable solutions are not. The Diagnostic Role is particularly effective when managers want to:

  • Obtain quantitative and qualitative data to make informed, fact-based decisions before, during, and after an organizational transformation initiative
  • Set a new direction, defining a new strategy, or strategic planning
  • Improve plateaued or declining organizational performance
  • Improve execution and day-to-day operations
  • Optimize and improve performance in compliance environments
  • Perform independent management reviews of functions, organizational units, or projects
  • Conduct independent financial and budget analysis that aligns resources with mission and strategy
  • Improve communication and trust between departments and the manager’s who lead them
  • Characterize and change their organization’s climate and/or culture

The deliverables for the Diagnostic Role are usually a written report that summarizes the data gathered and analyzed and makes recommendations for achieving the client’s desired results; and a face-to-face presentation and dialogue about the recommendations that defines a path forward for the organization. On-going support and collaboration for implementing the recommendations included in the Institute’s assessment reports can be provided as part of the Expert Services Role described below.

Expert Services Role

Some clients choose to augment their internal expertise and resources to support and help lead their organizational transformation efforts and/or implement assessment recommendations, so they ask the Breckenridge Institute® to provide consulting services for them through the Expert-Services Role. The Expert-Services Role works best in situations where the root causes of a problem, actionable solutions, and the desired results are fairly clear to the client. This includes services such as.

  • Developing Strategy
  • Improving Execution and Operations
  • Consolidation and Integration
  • Organizational Assessments
  • Financial and Budget Analysis
  • Optimizing Performance in Compliance Environments
  • Changing Organizational Culture
  • Personality and Career Assessments
  • Leadership Development
  • Improving Communications and Trust
  • Training, Mentoring, and Coaching
  • Meeting and Process Facilitation

The deliverable for the Expert-Services Role is providing the agreed to product or service on-time, at the agreed to price, to a high level of quality.

Throughout the consultation process, the Breckenridge Institute® continually clarifies the explicit and implicit expectations of both clients and our staff, so that both are clear about a project's status, process steps, and deliverables.

For more information on how the Breckenridge Institute® can help your organization e-mail us at

Personality in Context®

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